2008년 9월 29일 월요일

Last Entry of "The restaraunt of the end of the universe"

This is finally the end of their boring lives on a planet that was actually earth in the past before time because they find something that doesn't belong on earth and thus they start running around trying to catch the object that seems to be so fast in escaping their grasp. They finally grab hold of it and land in the middle of a croquet game. They're in London on earth just before it's turned into oblivion. They meet their old friend Slartibartfast and they start their way back into a spaceship to stop a bigger problem rather than the problem on earth. There is a race that is able to wipe out the whole world, but it was put into deep sleep until a small portion of that race was free of the time prison. To make their world whole again, they seek to find all the pieces of the key. This is what they have to do to stop.

Another big problem and it's the end of the book. This seems to go on forever, but now Douglas Adams seems to be coming to an end that has his other thoughts about "Extraterrestrial"things and this is what interests me the most. People make all kinds movies that have to do with U.F.O.s and all those other fun stuff, but is it believable? The biggest question that stays in my mind even after I finish this book is: Is there really something out there that we have no idea about?

2008년 9월 28일 일요일

Fourth Entry "Restaraunt at the end of the Universe"

They, as in Arthur and Ford, finally land, or crash on the planet that the "weirdos" were programmed to go on. Many survive including Arthur and Ford. They start to get used to this new environment and they try to make a new civilization, but they're so stupid that they start using leaves as money. Ford and Arthur try to make them understand that they have to get out of this planet because they need to find the answer to the universe and everything. Of course, they ignore them and start making things that make no sense. Arthur and Ford start being weirdos and suddenly forget about everything. Then one day, Arthur finds out something carved in the snow; the signature of someone they know about. It was their friend Slartibartfast who was one of the designers of earth. They finally understand that they're in the past of the planet earth. They're practically stuck in the past and have no escape route.

The story so far marks the point where the author sort of puts in his thoughts about the past. Earth in particular, and he believes that there were people from different worlds that were the second to step on earth besides the prime-apes. Nice theory, but the aliens seem to be even stupider than the prime apes that were learning rapidly from Arthur. Anyways, this part shows the nature of people getting along in a new society without a supreme ruler. The movie shows similar aspects of the fact that they all are equal and there isn't a true ruler over them. This part was frankly a bit boring, but when there's a hill, there's a slope downwards and I'm waiting for the climax.

2008년 9월 27일 토요일

Third Entry of "The Restaraunt at the end of the Universe"

This time Arthur and Ford wakes up in a spaceship full of people that are inside to make a new civilization on a different planet. They find most of them locked in ice cubicles frozen from head to foot waiting to wake up when they get to the new planet that awaits them. Ford and Arthur start exploring when they meet the captain of the ship. He starts talking about boring things until Ford asks where the ship is going and why. He tells them that the people on their planet told them that their planet was going to be eaten by giant goats and that they, middle class people such as telephone sanitizers, were to go first. Ford contemplates on this when the captain says that they were to crash land on the planet. The captain starts to think of the reason that the people on their planet told them that they were to crash land when Ford gets frustrated and shouts "You're a load of useless bloody loonies!" and the captains nods his head saying that was the reason.

This seems to be a totally weird race that was introduced in the story, but Douglas Adams implies that this is what reality in our world is. People with power are supposed to be responsible and intelligent in their area, but in truth they're basically as Ford implies "a bunch of useless bloody loonies." What really interested me in this chapter was that there was a certain technology that allowed people to be stored in cold conditions and revived again. Many scientists are still testing this theory and in experiments on animals, this seems to work, but on humans there has been no progress. How Douglas Adams in this chapter also tells us that he's sarcastic with people that are superior in society. He takes all those complaints and puts them in his story that looks so bizarre, but it does have his thoughts about it all along.

2008년 9월 25일 목요일

2nd Entry of "The Restaraunt of the end of the Universe"

Zaphod Beeblebrox is the president of the galaxy because he and his great-great-great...grandfather and Zarniwoop agreed to do a mission that was almost impossible and was worth the risk to take away some of the memories in Zaphod's mind. The people who are picked to be the president of the galaxy is ironically someone who has no idea what he's doing and also has no intention of stealing or doing anything suspicious. That was why Zaphod had locked up one part of his brain so that when they screened it they wouldn't know. The chapters I read this time have something to do with about how Zaphod is alone in the world that Zarniwoop had made because Zarniwoop wanted to meet him and discuss the mission they wanted to finish.
Though I didn't see the rest of the chapters I have a feeling the mission they have is one of the worst and silliest missions made by all of the people who made hollywood films. The author, Douglas Adams, focuses on his ideas and humor rather than the whole tearful and touching stories that everyone else makes. So far, the story shows how aliens and humans both seem to be on the same boat and they aren't as advanced as we all believe in the movies. This has given me a wide smile for the whole week and I'm eager for the next part.

2008년 9월 24일 수요일

"The Restaraunt at the End of the Universe"

This book starts out as crazy as the first "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy." The second book focuses on how the two remaining earthilings and two alien friends getting around vogons, aliens that have the only goal to disseminate every living being, and finding the answer to the ultimate question of the world. It starts with Arthur and trillian the two earthilings, Zaphod and Ford, the two aliens on a ship sailing around the Universe when they meet vogons and they start doing the thing that all of them are experts on; running away. They get seperated and all of them struggle to get used to whatever place they end up in. That's about how much I read so far.
Although this is a crazy book, it doesn't really just enjoy the humor in it, but it makes you think about how the author came up with such ideas. One thing I always wonder is "How do authors come up with such bizarre ideas?" I take a piece of paper and start writing some ideas down and it normally turns out to be something silly or I just give up half way through it. It just intrigues my curiosity. In this book, the author has totally impossible thoughts about space and time. For instance, the "Improbability Drive" which is supposed to do things that is extremely 'improbable.' The choice of words also makes different puns that makes you laugh whether or not you're in a good mood or not. I think this book will entertain me just as much as the first book. Humor is what I like about books and this satisfies it.