2008년 9월 24일 수요일

"The Restaraunt at the End of the Universe"

This book starts out as crazy as the first "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy." The second book focuses on how the two remaining earthilings and two alien friends getting around vogons, aliens that have the only goal to disseminate every living being, and finding the answer to the ultimate question of the world. It starts with Arthur and trillian the two earthilings, Zaphod and Ford, the two aliens on a ship sailing around the Universe when they meet vogons and they start doing the thing that all of them are experts on; running away. They get seperated and all of them struggle to get used to whatever place they end up in. That's about how much I read so far.
Although this is a crazy book, it doesn't really just enjoy the humor in it, but it makes you think about how the author came up with such ideas. One thing I always wonder is "How do authors come up with such bizarre ideas?" I take a piece of paper and start writing some ideas down and it normally turns out to be something silly or I just give up half way through it. It just intrigues my curiosity. In this book, the author has totally impossible thoughts about space and time. For instance, the "Improbability Drive" which is supposed to do things that is extremely 'improbable.' The choice of words also makes different puns that makes you laugh whether or not you're in a good mood or not. I think this book will entertain me just as much as the first book. Humor is what I like about books and this satisfies it.

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